Contact Info

Office and registered office: Via del Buero, 5 – 00079 Rocca Priora (rm)

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App Develoment

We develop apps tailored for your business

Want to take your business to the next level? A custom mobile app is the key to reaching a wider audience, improving user experience and increasing sales. Our team of experts develops native and hybrid apps, tailored to your needs. From the initial concept to development and launch, we follow you through every phase of the project.

Benefits for your business

  • Aumenta la visibilità del tuo brand: Sii sempre a portata di mano per i tuoi clienti con un’app mobile dedicata.
  • Migliora l’esperienza utente: Offri ai tuoi utenti un’esperienza personalizzata e coinvolgente.
  • Aumenta le vendite e la fidelizzazione dei clienti: Trasforma il tuo smartphone in un canale di vendita diretto e fidelizza i tuoi clienti con notifiche push e offerte personalizzate.
We guarantee excellent service
Mantenere una qualità di servizio costante in tutte le interazioni con i clienti può essere impegnativo. Tuttavia, siamo impegnati a fornire un’esperienza positiva e soddisfacente ad ogni cliente. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, abbiamo implementato:
  • Standard di servizio chiari: Definiamo standard precisi per garantire un’assistenza di qualità.
  • Formazione completa: Offriamo formazione continua al nostro team per assicurare che siano sempre aggiornati sulle ultime tendenze e pratiche migliori.
  • Controllo qualità regolare: Conduciamo controlli regolari per monitorare la qualità del nostro servizio e identificare eventuali aree di miglioramento.
  • Ascolto del cliente: Valoriamo il feedback dei nostri clienti per comprendere le loro esigenze e migliorare i nostri servizi.
Photography, Web Site Trip&Co.
Custom Management System, E-Commerce, Graphic Design Marina Militare
Graphic Design, Photography, Web Site AMCOM Services

Quality at the heart of everything

The quality of our products is our top priority. To ensure maximum customer satisfaction, we follow a rigorous quality control process that includes:

  • Careful selection of raw materials: We choose only the best materials to ensure the durability and performance of our products.
  • Rigorous testing: Each product is subjected to extensive testing to ensure it meets our quality standards.
  • Continuous improvement: We use customer feedback and test results to continuously improve our products.

App Development FAQ

We use shared knowledge management systems and regularly organize training and refresher sessions to ensure that all team members are aligned on service standards and operating procedures. We also promote a corporate culture focused on collaboration and sharing best practices.
We actively collect customer feedback through surveys, reviews and interviews. We carefully analyze this data to identify areas for improvement and implement necessary actions to meet our customers' needs.
We have implemented specific procedures to handle emergency situations and urgent requests. We have a dedicated team that responds promptly to customer requests, ensuring quick and effective resolution of problems.
We use several indicators to measure customer satisfaction, such as Net Promoter Score (NPS), loyalty rates and number of complaints. We also conduct regular satisfaction surveys to collect direct feedback from our customers.
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