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COVID 19 – The pandemic has accelerated the transition to the digital world
To date, the recovery of purchases in physical stores tends to slow down while the increase in online purchases is rapid, and an ever-increasing online turnover is expected in the future. E-commerce is no longer a corporate luxury, but is becoming a necessity. Knowing how to use good software and manage a website intelligently now seems to be an indispensable condition for attracting new customers.

But let’s analyze in detail what are the benefits for commercial activities that use the e-commerce mode:

– facilitate customers in purchasing products
– attract new customers
– save on operating costs
– automate inventory management and lower costs.
– facilitate advertising of the company brand, with a positive effect on consumer confidence.
If you create more web pages, search engines will be able to index them and improve the positioning of the business on Google.
It is important to use good keywords in the content and that they are optimized, these measures will lead to more traffic to your website in customer relations (SEO)
– E-commerce has the added value of generating traffic from search engines.
– From the product description to customer reviews, to shipping costs, the more details are provided on the website, the more informed choices customers will make.

However, even for physical stores, the only solution to remain competitive is to quickly move towards omnichannel sales strategies and adapt to people’s new consumption models.

The proof is in the results of large supermarkets and retail chains, which sell and distribute through this method and which in this period of covid emergency have reported strong growth in profits.



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